I was just checking out my website and I noticed that it has been just over 10 days since I last posted a new blog entry. Eek! I know part of it has been lack of motivation and the other part has been pure laziness. These days in NYC, it's been beyond hot outside and I feel myself dragging and lacking energy. Today I woke up and thought, "ok, get it together! You might not know what you want to write about, but just start typing and at least write something." So here I am, writing and not exactly sure where to go from here...
You might feel the same way about your workouts from time to time as well. Somedays, it's hard to know where to begin and what exactly you should be doing in the gym that day. All you have to do is get started and go from there. Take it in simple steps:
Step One: Get your gym clothes on, especially your shoes (having your shoes on will give you that "get up and go" kind of feeling. If you're just hanging in your socks and easy to move in workout gear, you might be tempted to throw your feet up on the couch and get comfy). As simple as this seems, it's often the hardest step. Just finding that motivation to get started can be tough but once you begin, it's easier to keep going.
Step Two: Get to the gym. Again, a seemingly easy step but another tough hurdle. The couch can seem so inviting sometimes, can't it? I promise you that you'll feel so much better once you begin! Get moving!
Step Three: Jump on the treadmill, bike, or elliptical to warm up your body. Once you get your blood flowing and oxygen to your muscles, you will get in the groove and ready for whatever you want to do that day. Perhaps you'll stay on your cardio machine of choice for an extended period of time or maybe a simple five minute warm up will inspire you to lift weights or try a new class that the gym is offering that day.
Whatever it is, you got over the hump to just get started. Pushing yourself to make the effort can be tough, but once you've begun, you can only go up from there.
Hey! Lookie here! I've just finished writing my blog entry for the day! All it took was getting started. :-)
Be Well!