Onto Day 5 of Holiday Tips to keep you going!
I hope you had a fun filled and healthy weekend! I just realized that I forgot to mention that I'll be taking weekends off from posting holiday tips, but make sure to review my posts on Saturday and Sunday if you have a hard time staying on track. It can be especially difficult to stay motivated on the weekends because of all the temptations you are more likely to face. The holidays can prove even more challenging because of the festivities and parties. I know for the next couple weekends I'll have 2 parties to attend on some days. That means more treats, alcohol, and calories that my body isn't used to. If you're with me, enjoy, but be aware.
In my last couple posts, I mentioned doing interval training and circuit training to save some more time at the gym. Both of the workouts I wrote about involved using weights. If you're having a day where you're too sore to lift or you're only focusing on cardio, I suggest you do an interval workout with your cardio exercise of choice. For example, if you only have time to spend 30 minutes on the elliptical machine, choose a program like "Hill
Interval" or "Random." This will challenge not only your heart, but your muscles too. The machine will be changing in incline and in resistance which will keep your body guessing and make you work harder. You can do this on a bike, the treadmill, or outside on a trail run as well (for a trail run, try adding hills or stairs in your route, or sprint for 30 seconds a few times to push yourself harder). You'll get more of a workout in less time and as I've mentioned in previous posts, this is our goal during the holidays when we have less time to spend at the gym.

I love eggnog. I also love ice cream. I mean really love ice cream. So you can imagine that when I discovered that Dryer's offers a low calorie/fat eggnog ice cream, I was one happy lady. Eggnog and ice cream can be pretty caloric and high in fat. You can satisfy your craving for both by trying this delightful treat for only 110 calories and 4 grams of fat in a half cup. That's fun.
Be Well!
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